Part 15: Post-Leck NPC Chatter
NPC chatter time! We'll be starting off with Java, after we get the pass.

: I'll tell you! Wahahan! Well, you sail on a ship for a month and finally you reach the New World. An unknown world spreads out before you, but always accompanied by dangers that could lead to death. There are just swarms of horrible monsters nothing like the ones here who'd gobble you up for lunch. Well, just make sure you don't become a delicious monster lunch!

: Eee heeheehee!

: Boy, I'll tell you something. The New World has men with the same burning soul as me. There's a place that attracts men with the burning soul of an adventurer.

: I mean the Adventurers Society! If you have some trouble, be sure to go there. I'm sure they'll help you.

: Wow, the Adventurers Society!

: Good! Soon as I reach the New World I'll go there right away!

: This pass contains my blood, sweat, tears and soul and a few other things. Be sure not to lose it.

: It's sort of stinky, though.

: But thank you, Java!
Java used to be part of the Adventurers Society, huh? Interesting...
Anyway, that's it for Java. Back to Parm, sans Sue.

: Well, we had a little....

: You must have had a fight. Don't worry, you'll make up by tomorrow.

: Wow. Poor guy. But I really can't be worrying about someone else.

: It was really a Great Adventure.

: If it weren't me, it mighta been bad.

: Ha ha ha, you're just full of confidence. Justin, you don't change a bit even after a Great Adventure. Ha ha ha ha! Justin, you're always so perky!

: Uh-oh. I broke the Icarian Statue. I feel sorry for the poor curator.

: What a relief. Now I'll be able to sleep at night again.
Even the fucking junk pile has a different quote without Sue.
Between this, the dialog for the next morning, and all of the Steamer NPCs, I'm probably going to be behind on NPC chatter updates for quite a while.
It was at this point that I decided to see if Java said anything new, and found the Leck Mines were disabled as well.

: Say, why don't you confide in me? I'll solve your problem right away. ♪

: Oh, Justin, it's just that... my husband works at the factory, right? He's been real tired lately. I'm glad the town has gotten big and busy, but I'm worried about him getting tired. Worrying about it does no good. Guess I have to support him more. I think I'll make a healthy dinner!

: Don't worry, you might not be rid of me so easy.

: C'mon, c'mon, gather round! Special closing-time offer! Leftover soup, ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT! Hey? Justin, you're looking down! How about having something to eat at our place once in a while?

: Hmm. Maybe I will sometime. But today, I really want to eat my Mom's cooking.

: Is Miss Lilly's cooking really all that delicious? We've gotta work to keep up!

: But I think the Blue Marlin's food has been getting better lately.

: Guess so.

: I hope I see you again.
The owner repeats his quote about lizard tail and horse manure soup, but the lobster...

: Hey, you better stay alive till I get back! I'm gonna be the one to kill you!
Someone should tell the ReDux Complete guy to add this lobster as a bonus boss.
Crossing the bridge into North Parm...

: I guess I sorta made Sue mad. So she was crying, huh...?

: She may pretend to be an adult, but inside she is still a kid. Please remember that, Justin.

: You're right.... I guess I might have said too much. Sorry, Sue....

: You're older than her, so you have to be the one to apologize.

: Right, I'll do it as soon as I get back from my adventure.
The woman by the posters, the posters themselves, and the soldier on the port road all have the same dialog. The Young Men's Club guy, though...

: Wow, the Young Men's Club does lookout duty too.

: I didn't know that.

: Parm's on the front lines of industry so strangers sometimes come around. That's why we are on patrol. The lookout is about to change! I'm gonna work hard! This too is for the good of Parm. ♪
Continuing our counterclockwise circuit of the city, we head for the harbor.

: The ship sails tomorrow morning. Soon I'll say good-bye to the town.

: Really?

: So how's the Steamer running? I'm gonna board it.

: The one that just came into port? Hmm, a modern Steamer that has an engine with a good, solid rumble.

: Wow! COOL! You can tell just from the sound.

: Yep, I can guarantee there'll be no problems on your voyage. Well, I DID build the engine.

: So you knew all along.

: Well, if you built it, then I feel better about taking the ship!

: My infatuation has grown into love and we will grow an undying love together with my girl. Hee hee. ♥

: Ah hahaha. I don't know. I don't quite know what you mean by all that.

: Justin, you're too young for love. But this is my lesson to you for when the time comes.
The kid who wants to be a merchant has nothing new to say, but Mr. Ren does.
Including the tidbit about this being the only Steamer trip until the summer.

: The New World where that ship is going has lots of adventures awaiting. Lots of exciting adventures!

: You're right. The New World has adventures awaiting.
Back in main Parm, let's check in on Pippi, and see if anyone has found her hidden stuf-

: Wow! You're still playing, Pippi?

: Pippi, I don't think you're cut out to be "it" in hide-and-seek.

: I want to have someone else be "it" but just where exactly is everyone hiding?
Inside Gantz's house, we've got a few new things. Except from Gantz's Mom.

: We'd compete to see who got a bigger bump -- him from the mop or me from the tray.

: That was the only competition that I lost to Gantz.

: Gantz... take care of Sue for me.

: The box must be worth more than the contents.

: I kind of doubt he's really sad.
Outside, we find a few more people. Bertie, the green-hatted mailman, has nothing new to say.

: Waaah, waaah! I've been hiding for so long, and nobody came to find me!

: I guess you shouldn't have made Pippi "it".

: Hey, Justin. You been the the inventor's place lately? You ought to go visit.
This conversation changes depending on whether or not we've visited the inventor yet. Let's start with not having done so.

: That old guy really seems to like explaining his inventions to you, Justin.

: Now that you mention it, he gets real excited when he's explaining his inventions.

: Go visit him every now and then. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you.

: Hmm. Maybe I oughta go see that guy before I go to the New Continent.
And now, after having visited...

: He he he, that old man gave me some coal candy.

: But can ya really eat this stuff?
Around the corner, we run into more of the hide-and-seek kids.

: What's this, Justin? Where's Sue?

: Well, um, it's sorta complicated....

: But I really envy Sue. I wish I too had a big brother like you, Justin.
Still not transcribing these.
Gramps repeats his bit about how he used to go adventuring until he lost a fight to Gram. However, since Sue isn't around, Justin provides the ending line of that conversation now.

: Gramps, you wouldn't have lost if you'd had Java train you.

: Lately there aren't so many boys like Justin who like adventures. When I was a child, all the boys used to love playing "Adventure".

: I wish I were born then.

: Huh!? If that were so, wouldn't I be a grandpa already!?

: Kids grow up with dreams. I hope THAT doesn't change even if the times change.
Back out in Parm, House 4 has nothing new to say.
House 2, though...

: Just when he finally came back, my husband says he's going on another sea voyage. I'm so flustered. He seems to love the sea more than even me! But I really love that about him. ♥

: Waaah, waaah! Daddy, Daddy, don't go away. Play with me some more.

: Wonder if I cried like this when my Dad went out on his adventures when I was little.

: But if you want to become a sailor like you Dad, you can't be crying.

: You gotta become a sailor and someday have the strength to chase after your Dad's boat.

: That's it! Then I can be with my Daddy all the time.

: I feel bad for my family but I have to make them worry again. I'm going on another sea voyage. Please play with my boy while I'm away, OK, Justin?

: I-I see. I think Sue will be able to play with him.

: I hope that my boy will grow up to be a strong, adventurous boy like you, Justin.

: He he he. Sir, you're the only one who says that.
In a recurring theme this update, even the fucking inanimate objects spark new quotes.

: That Sue said a first-rate lady should be able to play an instrument as a sign of good breeding.

: By the time I get back to Parm, think she'll be able to play this violin?
Upstairs, the old guy has some new dialog due to the lack of Sue.

: Don't worry, I'll deliver it.
Back out in the streets, the Joule Foundation guy who argued with Sue has some new dialog, rather obviously.

: Wow, the Joule Foundation guys are just like me, huh! "Active throughout the world", huh!
The soldier has nothing new to say, so let's hit the house across from the cafe.

: I'll be back. I'll bring Sue along too.

: Justin, why are you all by yourself? What happened to Sue?

: Well, um, it's sorta like well. Ah hahaha.
Speaking of the cafe...

: He he, I wonder who'll get famous first, Gantz or me? That's what competition is, right?

: What am I thinking? Can't do this.
Gantz is still waiting by the Seagull, so he's not showing up here. Which seems like an obvious statement, but these things sometimes slip in.
I'm not gonna go count, but I'm pretty sure Goose says more here than he does in the rest of the game combined.

: Hmm, maybe I really did say too much, huh? Sue must be real angry.

: Hey, Justin. You look a little different. Somehow you look sorta cool.

: ...... Huh? What did you just say?

: Justin, I said that you somehow look sorta cool.

: What? Me, cool? Goose, you really are pretty honest.

: But with that smirk on your face, you don't look very cool now.

: Then how 'bout this? Eh he he he....

: Isn't that like when you're getting balled out for doing something?

: How 'bout this!

: He he he! This is me being cool!

: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Now that's a funny face!

: Ugh. You don't have to laugh at it. That's pretty rude of you.

: That's it! That's the one I said was cool!

: Hmm. So this is my cool face. Hmm-mm-mm-mm-mm

: Keeping a straight face is tiring!

: But, I'll try keeping this face for a little longer. Hmm-mm-mm-mm-mm.

: Justin, you really do work hard, huh.
Kozuru, meanwhile, continues his trend of "Hey, I sure was watching that cutscene! Also, I have an inconsistent lisp!"

: I saw you, saw you, Justin an' Sue havin' a fight. Sue just kicked ya right in the shin, right? Serves ya right. Nah ha ha.
After you talk to him in front of the Seagull, Gantz shows up here. And has some more dialog.

: Whatever! Justin! I'll think of the next game for you! Be sure to come here with Sue tomorrow! Understand!
This part of the game really shows how close Sue and Justin have always been. Even their archenemy seems to take it for granted that, no matter what, Justin and Sue are a pair.
Anyway, the girl who's worrying about having to move is still... worrying about having to move.

: We're gonna move to New Parm, so I just wanted to say good-bye.

: Oh yeah, you're leaving tomorrow.

: I bet Sue's gonna miss you.

: Go see her at her house. She's there.

: Justin, you wanna be an adventurer, right? If you happen to be on the New Continent, look me up, OK?

: Oh, of course.

: Hang on! I'll definitely see you!
And now we cross into South Parm to wrap things up. First up is Theo.

: Sorry, Theo. I'm sorta busy right now. Got no time for that at all.

: I see. Oh well. But there's still time. ♪ Get ready before then, OK! We're gonna go, right Justin? I mean to see the something or other king together, right!?
Anyway, let's check out House 1.

: My daughter is dreaming all the time too. I wish she'd get married and move out of the nest.

: That's right. All children have to leave the nest sometime, don't they?

: What's wrong, Justin? Why are you getting so serious all of a sudden? It's not like you. Justin, I think you're much more suited to thinking up mischievous jokes than serious thinking.

: Ugh, that's terrible, Ma'am. Even I can be serious sometimes.

: Ah, what a wonderful man! My prince on a white horse! Something wrong, Justin?

: Yeah, there's "something wrong".

: But if you look at me, I'm pretty handsome, aren't I?

: Aaah, I guess my prince on a white horse is just a fantasy. I guess I'll marry a soldier.

: No no, rather than a soldier, how about an adventurer!

: Puffy must be why Sue is so happen even though she lost both parents.

: That's right. Sue doesn't get sad while Puffy's around. Ah hahahaha.

: Puffy is just SOO cute. I want a pet like that.
Couple more NPCs with the same lines, but the Joule Foundation guy outside the train station has something particularly interesting.

: Since that cursed Baal became General, he keeps sticking his nose into Foundation business.

: Hmm, sounds sorta complicated, huh.

: I'll just pretend I didn't hear.

: Mmm. Grrr! It makes me so angry! That Baal was originally no more than a Garlyle regional commander. Now he's the friggin' General. I can't believe it. Grumble, grumble....
"Now he's the friggin' General" could also have made an interesting thread title.

: Ugh, that's terrible.

: But how do you know it wasn't me?

: Tentz came to apologize. He said he stuck that flyer on my back on orders of his older brother. The flyer he stuck on my back said: "I'm on a diet now. Please don't feed me".

: Hee hee hee. That Gantz really writes funny stuff.

: Oops! Um, I really didn't mean that!

: Sue's in a bad mood right now.

: You might be punished for drawing a bad picture.

: Huh!? I'll pass.

: Why don't you try teaching Sue how to dance instead?
Back in the shop, the museum poster has gone back to the "Your urban oasis" one from before we broke the statue.
And now, to wrap up this update...

: I'm so sorry, Justin. Little Sue says she doesn't want to see you. Not only that, Justin, she also said you're a clumsy idiot, have an "outie" and could never be an adventurer. I'm sorry, Justin. Sue made me promise to say this to you. I'll apologize for you later. What should I say?

: See me off at the dock....

: ... No, forget it. It'll just get Sue mad.

: Send Sue a letter when you get to the New Continent.

: OK, I'll do that. When I get back, I bet Sue's gonna kick me in the shin again. Ouch.

: Just when I thought Sue came home, she's locked herself in her room and isn't coming out. She's always so happy but when she gets mad, I can't talk to her. Just like her late mother.

: I didn't want to get her angry, but you know, an adventurer walks alone.

: But I haven't seen her get that mad in quite a while.
Poor Sue.
Next time: We finally wrap up everything in Parm and check out the Steamer.